I just realized that it's been about a month since my last update! Much has gone on in the past few weeks! We enjoyed a two-week visit from my mom, which was wonderful. It was so nice to have her help and I know she enjoyed every moment she got to spend with Noah. Since then, I have been on my own taking care of him during the day for the first time since my hospital visit. I am very blessed that he is such a good baby and that he doesn't like to be carried around. Much less lifting and strain for Mommy!
We have also spent quite a bit of time deciding whether or not we should move from our current apartment. Our lease is up in September, and they are raising our rent by an astronomical amount. Also, we could really use a little more space (specifically another bedroom...for our helpers to stay in and then for Baby Girl). We did find an apartment that would meet our needs nearby and are in the application process. Please pray for our move and that God would raise up helpers for us, since I will be unable to do a lot of the packing (lifting restrictions). The pain in my hip has increased lately so please pray for that as well. I still have a long way to go until this baby arrives (God willing). I'm 22 weeks, 4 days and counting! There will be much praise in this house on the day I reach viability (24 weeks). Almost there! But I sure hope Baby Girl stays put many more weeks than that.
Our last doctor's appointment went well; Baby is getting more active in there. Next ultrasound will be at 27 weeks where she will be assessed for growth and placental function and location (currently too close to cervix). We are still at risk for many complications from the SCH, including preterm labor, premature rupture of the membranes, continuing hemorrhage, and placental abruption. While we are doing much better these days, please remember to pray for our health!
While I have much to occupy my days, I am still finding them to be quite lonely. I'm unable to get out of the house much, and I haven't seen much of friends (not too many in this area). I feel as though my "bed rest" has turned into "house arrest"! Hopefully I will be able to reconnect with others in the near future!
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