We had a crazy past couple of weeks with Miss Lydia. First, she and Noah had terrible colds. Then one day Lydia awoke from her nap and was HOT HOT. I took her rectal temp and it was 105! I immediately brought her (and Noah, of course) to the pediatrician where she was diagnosed with an ear infection and a very stubborn fever. We spent a couple of hours in the office because they didn't want us to leave until it started to go down. When we left it was still 103.5. The next day the fever broke but she had a rash all over her face and trunk...possibly an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin she was taking for the ear infection. The doctor switched her medication, the rash cleared up, and our Lyddie was good as new.
The very next week was Lydia's 9 month checkup. Noah was also seen because of his speech delay. Lydia measured in at 28.5 inches and 21 lbs 5 oz. Noah was 35.5 inches and 31 lbs 9 oz! How fast they grow! To catch up on what I've failed to blog:
3 Months |
4 Months |
5 Months |
6 Months |
7 Months |
8 Months |
9 Months |
And a couple of more for good measure:
9 Months and 21 Months |
These days Lydia is working on cutting her first tooth, crawling backwards, and she loves sitting up but can't quite get herself there yet. We have been practicing Baby Led Weaning with Lydia for 3 months now and she is a suburb eater and self-feeds like a champ. Her favorite foods include bananas, zucchini, cucumbers, and everything really. She loves to mimic and it's pretty funny sometimes the sounds she makes! She adores her bubby (brother) and wants to be in the middle of what he's doing all the time. He's pretty sweet with her though and loves to help care for her by giving her food, trying to bottle feed, and bringing her toys when she's sad. He also likes to go get her when she wakes up from her naps...meaning he runs ahead of me into the room and reaches for her through the bars of the crib. She always has a smile for him. What a blessing to be these babies' mama!
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