Monday, May 14, 2012

A Little Update

Chris and I met with the MFM doctor today.  She was very nice, and asked a hundred questions.  We spent most of our time talking about how the avascular necrosis will affect the pregnancy, and how things will be handled in the future.  For example, I may need to be on blood thinners if I become less mobile (but not now), and I may need pain medication (so far, so good), and any surgery will likely wait until at least 8 weeks postpartum.  I'll have my MRI repeated then to see how things have changed.  She didn't seem overly concerned about the SCH since the baby is growing fine and there is plenty of fluid, both good signs that the placenta is working well.  Also, while the clot appears to be coming off the placenta (probably caused by a small tear or separation from the uterine wall) it is not BEHIND the placenta which would be much more dangerous.  I'll have my fetal survey ultrasound in 3 weeks where all this will be assessed again...and we'll hopefully find out the gender!

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